I've been thinking alot about the day of the accident. A paramedic friend of mine mentioned how they were talking about it at the dinner table the other night ... how this could have happend, how it's good that didn't happen, how much worse things could have been, etc. Well, their young son interrupted them when he said, "Mom, God was right there with her!" I love that! Because it is so true ~ God and a few of his angels were right there with me on that day.
I owe a debt of gratitude to my friend, Jun, who maintained his composure while calling the ambulance, tracking down my husband, and waiting for hours in the ER with me and my family.
I owe a world of thanks to Sandy and Kelly, two cyclist who stopped and waited with us until the ambulance whisked me away. I do remember one of them (though I never saw her face) holding my head steady so as to not cause any possible further injuries.
I am so appreciative to Ken and the other volunteers from the Dry Creek-Lokoya Volunteer Fire Department. (Ken also held our bikes till Andrew and Jun were able to retrieve them later that afternoon.) I'm hoping to be able to express my thanks personally at their annual Winemaker's Classic Fundraiser, www.drycreek.org.
And of course to the many paramedics, nurses, and doctors who tended to me so caringly on that day ... a million thanks is not enough.
God bless you all for blessing me ... and others ... the way you do every single day.
1 comment:
Wow, I’m SO excited from hear from you, read about your recovery, and realize that you are a strong determined lady.
When Kelly and I rode up the hill and saw the downed bikes, Kelly exclaimed “Oh no, not again!” We’ve had some experience with crashes. Kelly has been with two other riders who crashed on Mt. Veeder. They both had TBI (traumatic brain injury). It took a while but they did both recover well. So when I saw that you had done a face plant; it was not good but I was pretty certain you did not have TBI. And I kept thinking - well she’s going to have some significant surgery but it could be worse.
Thanks for noting the Dry Creek Loyoka volunteer fire district. I was impressed by how quickly they arrived and whisked you off to the Queen of the Valley. The Eagle Cycling Club makes donations to the various Napa volunteer fire districts because these are the people who save us. In case you or your friends are up for drinking wine, their annual fund raiser, the Home Winemakers Classic on July 21 is a lot of fun.
I hope you can get your bike fixed and get back on the road soon. And make sure the brakes work. FYI, I have small hands and use handlebars designed for women (such as Salsa Poco) because the bend is such that it’s easier to reach the brake levers.
I forwarded your email to Kelly. She is currently in San Luis Obispo visiting friends and doing a triathlon. And my husband and I are leaving tomorrow to mountain bike in Montana. We’ll be thinking about you and wishing you a speedy recovery. Also keep up the good work with Team in Training.
PS – I don’t know Charles; maybe a long lost cousin.
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