Veeder -1 Valle -0
Rematch in 4-6 weeks
Jun and I attacked Mt. Veeder on Thursday, July 5th.
The first part was tough but familiar, the Dry Creek timed trial route.
Turning onto Mt. Veeder, things got from tougher to greuling. It seemed like every turn in the road became steeper and steeper. I had to stop several times, but remember laughing at several things:
~ there was this fly that would just not leave me alone; i could have sworn he was taunting me!
~ speaking of swearing, it used to be a really bad habit of mine ... the toughness of this hill was bringing it out again ... I prayed hard to not let the words that were forming in my mind slip outta my mouth
~ ackwardly trying to clip back in on an incline, i had to learn to go back down the hill a bit and then turn around to go back up
~ oddly, I was feeling stronger after each climb
At the crest of Mt. Veeder, I remember Jun calling out, "I think this is it!" Being a ways behind him, I remember punching up my pedaling after hearing him say that. But I'd pushed too hard, passed him up, and started on the descent faster than I'd anticipated.
The rest is a blur as it happened so fast ... it was so steep, I was picking up speed, the turns seemed so sharp, I just did everything I could to stay on the road. I remember having a tough time with the brakes on the hoods - my hands were getting fatigued. So I went into my drops. Tho' the brakes were easier to apply, it was also more abrupt and I felt myself almost fly forward a couple times. But I remember NOT being in a panic.
Coming out of a sharp right, I couldn't veer left in time. The next thing I saw was a ditch that I knew I was going to hit ... and then nothing ... I don't remember the impact ... I just remember opening my eyes to a lady holding my head and my telling Jun I lost some teeth. I remember asking him in between moans if he'd called Andrew. And I remember agonizing over not being able to ride on Saturday or go to youth camp with the girls next week.
I was brought by ambulance to Queen of the Valley Hospital where they determined I broke my chin and the left and right side of my jaw. I was then admitted to Kaiser Oakland where they cleaned me up, pulled some pebbles out of my face, and kept me for the night. I go in for surgery on Monday where they'll repair my chin and jaw. My mouth will be wired shut for 2-4 weeks, the doctor says.
The display of love has been overwhelming - from family, friends, church family, and TNT family. Thank you all so much. I know I am well supported. At first, I didn't want anyone to see me, as my face is pretty banged up. But though things don't look so good on the outside, I'm feeling strong on the inside ... and that's what I want others to see ... to be reassured that I'm going to be okay.
Of course i think the occasional, "If only I had ... or I should have ..." But then I think how much worse things "could have ..." And so I'm reminded to have peace in what just is. And to be thankful that I can get back in the saddle again.