God has brought some wonderful women into my life, at this time of my life. They're not perfect, they're real, authentic, and transparent, God-honoring women who make me laugh and think and cry and pray. We share moments weekly, even daily ... moments that God knows I desperately need. They are Supportive, Entertaining, and Xuberant, and they remind me to pause and to enJOY today.
PS ~ Andrew and I have been riding! 5 miles on Saturday and 7.5 miles today. We'll shoot for 10 this weekend. Riding with Andrew has been good for me, as I have the tendency to push myself way too much for my own good right now. But the moment he starts catching up to me or passing me up - I'm high tailing it into another gear ;-)
1 comment:
It's a blessing to be included as one of your "peeps!"
No matter what our circumstances, it's good to know that God never intended us to do things on our own. (Ephesians 4:16 & 1 Thessalonians 5:11)
It may not always be easy to follow Him, but it's always best for us. (John 16:33)
Thanks for leading by example, girl, putting your faith in action no matter what the costs. (James 1:22)
I'm thankful that you followed God's leading and that He led you, and your awesome family, to us.
Blah! Blah! Blah! Mush. Mush. Mush.
Let's stop talking and just get the "peeps" and their families together for some good eating and outrageous laughter.
Oh, and you never told me what you REALLY thought about my mega-tricycle idea?
Thanks for sharing your life with us, sister. With love and prayers, Your sis in Christ, X
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