"As it were." Is that like when we talk and motion open and closed quotation marks with our fingers when we say "a certain word"? Meaning to say, this is what we're saying, but we really don't mean what we're saying, but I know you know what I'm REALLY saying?
I've recently become more prayerful, as it were ;-) Not that I've physically been on my knees more, but that the posture of my heart has changed ... as I just flat out tell God stuff sometimes, without censor. Try it. Draw near to God, and He'll draw near to you. And don't worry ... God will never be surprised by what you have to say or feel.
So ... I've been thinking ... I should probably change the name of my blog. My posts have been few and far between, mostly because my rides have been just as frequent. And alot of times, the things I have on my mind have nothing to do with riding anymore, but with the unexpected things I'm learning about myself as I'm NOT riding as much. But we'll see. Feel free to suggest a title or two ...
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