I wasn't able to ride this busy Easter weekend. (Sigh ... ) But that's ok. We celebrated well with family and friends. I can tell you about last weekend's Vacaville ride, though.
This is my friend Carmen with her new road bike! She was my daughter's Daisy Troop leader when our girls were in kindergarten 7 years ago. I'm excited to be riding with her this season.

The maps we had were kinda wrong, so what should have been a 50 mile ride ended up being more like 54. The ascent was the same, though ~ 1790 feet. I kicked butt on Cantelow, the steep hill towards the end, but I did feel somewhat squirrelly on the descent. I was warned that it was steep with sharp turns, so my group (who knows about my crash) was very cautious. With Michelle and Jeanne in front of me and Coach Dave behind me, we took it really slow ... as slow as we could go, trying to gain as little speed as possible. This descent was very different from Lake Herman's 37 miles per hour the other week, which was a straight away. At the bottom of Cantelow, my arms were sore from the tension of applying the breaks all the way down. I can hardly believe there's only 5 miles left to go. I finish strong once again. I rolled into the parking lot and stopped by Coach Dee Dee (pictured with me below) with the biggest smile on my face. I felt so good, I could have kept on rolling :-)
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