She's an '07 Cannondale Synapse Feminine 3. "Why did I name her Dusty," you ask? Since I hadn't been cleared to ride, she's been parked in my family room for the past week during which all I could do was DUST her! Hmmm ... perhaps I should have named her DUSTER ;-) Oh the torture.
I did get an unofficial clearance to ride from my occupational therapist today. She said I've doubled the strength on my right wrist, so that's a good thing. She was able to isolate some tenderness in what she thinks might be the TFCC area, which may or may not give me trouble during a ride. So she said see how I do, and if it bothers me, to definitely stop .. which I will.
So did I ride today? You betcha ~ an hour after I got home! I attempted to do the Lake Herman Loop (16.5 miles) No wrist pain, but I could only make it to Marshview Road (4 miles) before the muscles by my jaw started throbing, so I turned around and headed home for a total of 8 short miles :-( I was bummed. I remember the feeling (muscle spasms) after the wires were removed. I guess it'll be light rides on the trainer for me for a little while. Hey, at least I CAN still ride, huh?!
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