Today, I was accompanied by my brother, Rob (L), and my friend, Jun (R). (Jun was riding with me last year when I crashed.) Here they are 8 miles into our ride, at a stop we made at the top of Dry Creek Road, just before turning onto Veeder. The total loop is 21 miles. It was hot today, not unlike July 5, 2007.
I tried, unsuccessfully, to conquer this hill one other time. (Read 'My Namesis'). But I felt confident about today. In fact, I was excited all week anticipating today's milestone.
The route was definitely as tough as I remember ... though I didn't whine as much this time :-) I now have several painstaking hills under my belt, so I knew that I would eventually make it to the top, making multiple 'catch-my-breath stops' along the way, of course. Heck - I made the climb a year ago! My challenge would be making it back down, especially because I've since lost my fear of descents.
But upon reaching the crest, Jun sped up to get beside me, "This is it," he said. And being more cautious this time, I motioned for him to go ride ahead of me. My brother rode behind me.
While I knew we'd play it safe today, I couldn't help thinking, "Is he really gonna make me ride my breaks all the way down? I can go a little bit faster!" But I understood. The goal was to get me up and down the mountain unscathed, not to test the limits of my descending technique ... and so I contained myself.
I glanced at the accident site as we quickly rode past it. I thought of the events that occurred there a year ago. I thought of all that God has brought me through since then. And I thought, "After today, I don't ever have to ride this route again!"
Mt. Veeder is behind me.
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