Friday, July 4, 2008


It's the day before the anniversary of my accident, and I've been thinking about what I would post for sometime. Until I read the following headline ... "May The Fourth Be With You."  

You'd think that phrase is about the 4th of July.  But I had to laugh when I read it, because for me, it sounds exactly how I would say that infamous Star Wars quote (when my teeth are sitting in a little tray, on my desk, next to my bed).  

Say it with me now, "May the fourth be with you."  Hahahaha ....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Girl, you crack me up!

That was a good one! REALLY!

I can only say that it is a blessing and an encouragement to see how you have leaned on God through your recovery. His light shines when you smile, even without your teeth!

I continue to pray that He will be glorified by your attitude as you persevere and go on to your next ride in Seattle/Portland!

I am proud to call you one of my fave peeps!

As I look back on the pix from your accident and see that "SAXY" pix on your Mac Stationary, I can only comment with, "Thank You, Lord! It could have been "thoe much worth." : )

Love you, girl!
Your sis,