God has been so kind as to bring some old friends back into our lives:

This is Ferlin, Aileen, and Little Ferlin. (Big) Ferlin and I were good friends back in the CAL days of chemistry lectures, labs, and study groups. Ugh! Somewhere along the way, life happened, and we lost contact. We did run into each other briefly when a mutual friend of ours got married, but that was 6 years ago. Ya - that long.
Our lives intersected again a few months ago. Our calendars finally cooperated, and our families were able to get together last week. Hopefully it won't take another 6 years for us to get together again!
(Big) Ferlin was diagnosed with CML almost 5 years ago. Thanks to that miracle drug, Gleevec, he has been in remission and is doing very well. He and Aileen are taking care of Aileen's mother who is currently fighting her own battle with cancer. Please remember them in your prayers.

Tonight, we had dinner with Ester (2nd from the left) and her daughter, Angelica (2nd from the right). Es was one of my good "Ferry Friends" when I used to ride the ferry to my part-time job in SF. That was 8 years ago! How in the world did we let that much time go by? Never again, I hope. Never again.
Jelly, Angelica's nick name, was in a horrible car accident in 2006 and suffered TBI (traumatic brain injury). Though she was in a coma for 17 days, she has made, and continues to make, tremendous progress in her recovery. I'm so proud of you, Jelly!
I read somewhere that procrastination is the thief of time. I hope I'll do a better job at staying in touch with those who mean so much to me.