Saturday, August 9, 2008

What A Season It's Been

Team In Training's 2008 Spring Cycling Season officially ended last month.  Thanks for sharing this incredible adventure with me! (Click on image to enlarge.)

I'll continue riding though, among other things ;-)  Stay tuned ...

Monday, August 4, 2008

"The Art of Living"

Roman Seguerre, Andrew's first cousin, has impacted my life in profound ways.  Not only is he my cousin-in-law, he is a friend, a cancer survivor, a Team In Training Honoree, and an endurance athlete.  He maintains a blog entitled The Art of Living,  which displays his craftiness in writing and his love for words and life.  You should check it out sometime. 

Roman, who's cancer story began on January 8, 2003, is celebrating his 5th year in remission from chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). He was also recently featured in the August 1st edition of the Vallejo Times Herald for his Ironman training, which kind of makes him a local celebrity, right?!  Come to think of it, I'd better get his autograph now, so that I can say "I knew him when ..."

Though I'm not sure if he's always been the "Do What You Love" kind of person, I do know the cancer diagnosis that rocked his world 5 years ago definitely put a sense of urgency to that adage of his ... and that kind of spilled over into my life.

Cancer might rob you of that blissful ignorance that once led you to believe that tomorrow stretched forever. In exchange, you are granted the vision of seeing each day as precious, a gift to be used richly and wisely. - US National Cancer Institute

So thanks Roman ... for reminding me to seize the day. Because in reality, tomorrow's are promised to no one.